Wednesday, November 26, 2008

" I Believe"

I believe in having a kind heart.....I believe in helping other people whenever you can......I believe Karma is a bitch.........I believe that there is good in almost all people. I believe that we are all God's children.....I believe in Jesus Christ.....I believe in the power of prayer... I believe in remembering that everyone is entitled to a bad day. I believe there is something beautiful in everyone. I believe in laughter ..I believe in hugs and kisses....lots of them. I believe in saying I love you every chance that I get....I believe in remembering that no one is promised tomorrow and in living each day as though it may be my last....I believe in dancing in the rain....I believe in singing as though no one is listening...I believe that the best things in life are not material...I believe in hard work....I believe in family and friends...I believe in having fun...I believe that you are only old when your dreams become your regrets......

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